Take Advantage of $15,500 in Matching Funds image

Take Advantage of $15,500 in Matching Funds

Give Today for 2017 & We Will Serve More Children in 2018!

$650 raised

$15,500 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

We have had several donors provide a total of $15,500 in a matching funds which means your giving between now and midnight December 31st has the double the impact!

Today, we serve 688 orphaned children in DR Congo, South Sudan, and Zambia, and this is up from the 320 children we served just 3 short years ago. In addition, we are getting more creative as we work to achieve maximum impact for these children in the field.

What this means for the child is that we provide services they need not what we want to provide. We understand that this doesn't seem like a new idea, but you would be surprised. One size does not fit all!

In addition, we have an increasing focus on asset-based, market-driven, sustainable solutions that will allow our investments to continue being the fuel that funds care for orphaned children in these desperate places.

To take advantage of these matching funds you may give here or send a check to Global Orphan Relief, 16352 Prairie Farm Cir, Parker, CO 80134 . Please complete this process by end of day 12/31/17 so these funds will count for 2017!


Movement of FAITH | Voice of HOPE | Act of LOVE