Help Fund a School in Zambia!
2018 Mission to Zambia
raised towards $9,551 goal
Days Left
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
2018 Mission to Zambia
Now Serving 207 Orphaned Children in Zambia! Be Part of our Next Steps in Zambia!
Our team will be departing on June 22nd for Zambia to start construction of a school in Lusaka, Zambia. We will also serve at the House of Faith & House of Hope Orphanages in the Southern Province.
We will be tasked with the following during our time in Zambia:
- School Construction - we will start school in Lusaka with one-classroom. This project is in partnership with Zambia Messianic Fellowship and will be constructed at the Jerome Fleischer Home (Orphanage) in Lusaka, Zambia
- Content Acquisition - gathering updates, stories of impact, and video from our various project locations
- Impact Statements - gather project outcome data at current project sites to include school visits
- Project Assessments - need assessments on new projects under consideration
The $13,224 needed is for construction costs at the school and the other mission related needs for the children. *Along with our offline efforts we have already raised $10,423 leaving $2,801 to go as of June 22nd. The school construction will be the 1st classroom of 5 to be built over the next 5 or so years.
I appreciate everyone's consideration of this request and for all of your past support. I am just as excited as I was back in 2006 before my first trip! It is always wonderful to consider what the team will accomplish as we venture off to serve orphaned children!
Blessings, Scott
P.S. If you prefer you can send a check to Global Orphan Relief, 16352 Prairie Farm Cir, Parker, CO 80134. Just put 2018 Zambia Mission in the subject line. Thanks in advance for helping these children!