Water Well for Aweil Town School
Impact 500 Orphaned Children and Surrounding Community
$0 raised
$10,000 goal
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Clean Water will Impact Thousands!
Our partner in South Sudan, Christ Mission to the World, currently provides schooling for 500 orphaned children in Aweil Town, South Sudan. However, the conditions there are not good. These children currently attend school under the trees and are absent any other services. This area is in crisis with food security a primary issue.
To begin our development plan for this site, clean water is the first step to allow for further development and provision for the children. Future development will include building a kitchen for providing meals, classrooms, and a sustainable agriculture program. Standard borehole (drilling for water) costs in South Sudan are $15,000 for a well, and we raised $5,000 for this purpose at our September 9th Gala.
The children currently do not have access to clean water and are in jeopardy of water born diseases. In addition, without access to clean water at Aweil Town, development cannot begin. Currently water is drawn from a shallow well and does cause many health issues with both the children and the surrounding community.
Clean Water is Life!