Invest in Education for Orphaned Children in Zambia
For $50 a month you can send 4 Children to school!
$1,640 raised
$22,485 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Send 4 Children to School
HISTORY: In 2014 we began to discuss alternatives to serving orphans beyond bringing them to an orphanage. As it were, we discovered that in the Southern Province of Zambia where we already served that there was a large number of orphaned children in and out of school because the extended families could not provide the resources.
We started this program in Q4 2014 working with 2 schools to impact 60 children. In 2018 we estimate to have 166 orphaned children enrolled in the program attending 8 schools in Zambia.
OBJECTIVE: To assist orphaned children with school fees, and other materials, needed to continue their education.
BUDGET: Based on current expenditure and expected number of children in 2019 of 166 children enrolled in the program, our planned budget for this program in 2019 is $22,485.
Movement of FAITH | Voice of HOPE | Act of LOVE