Provide Hope for the Orphan Child in Punjab Province, Pakistan
Your support will go towards housing, feeding, teaching, and providing hope for 25 orphaned children in 2017.
$0 raised
$30,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Pastor Saleem founded Bethel Church of Pakistan in 1995 and this ministry now involves serving women, widows, a prison outreach, Bethel Bible Institute, and a church planting initiative. Bethel Church of Pakistan was also involved in providing relief to the millions of Pakistanis who suffered through the destructive floods of 2010.
These children are not supported through the child sponsorship program at GO! due to security concerns. Since 2010 we have had several one-time donations totaling $7,905 earmarked for this orphan home project, but this program has been primarily supported out of our general fund. To continue this program we will require funding due to other commitments of the movement. The children are receiving full care to include food, housing, education, and bible instruction by their care givers. Since 2010 we have invested $109,349 to provide safety and comfort for these children; instilling in them for the very first time a hope for the future.
OBJECTIVE: We provide a place of comfort and safety for orphans that have no other options until such time they can be reunited with their extended family. In addition, we have a commitment to support each orphaned child in our program to assist them with school fees if they are progressing in school.
Any thing you can help with today will go along way in providing for the basic needs of these children.