Feed Orphan Children of South Sudan image

Feed Orphan Children of South Sudan

Just $25 you can provide 100 meals for children in this war-torn land!

$7,283 raised

$43,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Feeding Hungry Children

AWEIL COMMUNITY ORPHANS FEEDING PROGRAMME (ACOFP) involves a school feeding operation in two villages namely Adoor Village (Aweil East) and Beliek Village (Aweil Central) and in turn increases access to education and improves nutrition for 300 orphaned children. Primary education net enrollment rate in Northern Bhar el Ghazal State is very low and the number of children completing primary education is low because of high dropout rates and minimal progression rates. Malnutrition is common amongst children and low attendance at school is predominantly attributed to sickness or hunger. Our program meets the development needs of Aweil Central County and Aweil East County both in Northern Bhar el Ghazal State by contributing to the goal of universal primary education targeting children living in areas of poverty and food insecurity by removing barriers to education such as hunger.

Together, we are feeding 852 vulnerable children everyday and also get them in school. Just $25 provides 100 meals for these vulnerable children. With our partner Christ Mission to the World, GO! currently provides approximately 17,040 meals monthly.

Movement of FAITH | Voice of HOPE | Act of LOVE