Donate now to feed orphaned children in Zambia in 2017. image

Donate now to feed orphaned children in Zambia in 2017.

Just $7 monthly will feed 1 child, or $42 per month will feed 6 children each and every month for 2017!

$28 raised

$20,136 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Early in 2016 we asked our partners on the ground in Zambia, Mike and Linda Jones, if there was a way that we could go into additional areas to serve orphaned children in some way. They had already been working in an impoverished area that had many orphans that were struggling with the essentials to survive. Village Hope was born!

In October 2016, we set-up feeding stations, or care centers, that are managed by local leadership in 3-villages. This initial roll-out impacted 117 orphaned children by providing food and other support.

Our plan is to deploy Care Centers to another 5 villages in January with an expected 222 orphaned children to be enrolled in January. We expect to grow the enrollment to serve 260 children by the end of 2017. Together we will provide Hope for the very first time to some of these orphaned children.