September 8, 2018 @ 5:00PM — 8:30PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

3rd Annual GO! Gala | Just One More Child | Come join us to celebrate all that is being accomplished on the behalf of orphaned children!


Join us for a dinner & a silent & live auction!

There are currently no tickets available for this event, but you can still make a donation.


Global Orphan Relief's 3rd Annual Gala | JUST ONE MORE CHILD

Come join Global Orphan Relief for our 3rd Annual Gala on Saturday, September 8th! Doors open at 5:00pm with a cocktail hour and silent auction. A catered Dinner will be provided and we will have a short presentation about our movement Global Orphan Relief (GO!). In addition, we will have individuals share with us their experience of serving orphans in far away places. At the end of the night there will be a live auction for our big-ticket auction items as well as child sponsorships. If you have ever wanted to learn more about GO! and how we care for orphans, this is the perfect event to learn more about our programs, see how you might get involved, and celebrate all that is being accomplished on the behalf of orphaned children!

Our goal this year is to raise $144,000 to fund and grow our orphan care homes, foster care networks, scholarship programs, and feeding centers. Today we serve 684 children in DR Congo, Kenya, South Sudan, and in Zambia in these monthly programs. To include other sustainable and developmental efforts are reach grows to 870 orphaned children that we are impacting. Life-saving services are being provided to many of these vulnerable children. When we can -we provide what we refer to as a Cornerstone of Care that allows the child to stay with their extended family and we simply step-in to provide what might be missing. In fact, 90% of the children that we care for fall into one of our Cornerstones of Care. Furthermore, the 66 children that we do care for in a home-based program are integrated into a home with their very own family, which is very different than how we might envision a traditional orphanage.

We believe that education is an important part of taking care of orphans because it gives them the skills necessary to support themselves when they become adults. This in turn helps their extended families and communities, who then can give back in their people. We want to make sure that the children God has entrusted us with are well equipped for adulthood. This is a major emphasis of our movement with 308 orphaned children, in 3 countries, participating in our scholarship program.

If you are unable to attend the event, our silent auction will be available ONLINE this year! The auction will open at 2:00pm on September 8th. Look out for an email announcing the opening of the auction!

Parking for the event will be street parking around the church. Attire for the event is smart casual.

Tickets are not tax deductible. All proceeds raised at the gala will be tax deductible.